Welcome to Everyone, new subscribers and longtime friends alike. Welcome to Spring. Welcome to a New Age of CommUnity. I am eager to move forward and to be present for the Inspirations that lie ahead. Participating in The Breathing Festival in February was an enormous pleasure, and I look forward to continuing to experience ALL of the excellent presentations in the festival archive. Visit ICFB (International Center For Breathwork) to buy your festival ticket/membership and gain access to the archive yourself. I will be taking part in more festivals this spring and there is further information about these below.

I am so happy to share the following piece, ‘We Are Information’, that I wrote for the show catalogue of my friend, the artist Ivo Bisignano. His show HUMAN FORM is exhibited in man-made caves in Israel and has been seen by 11,000 people so far. Visit Ivo’s website to see his art and current exhibitions His birthday is on the 16th of March and those of us who know him, love him very deeply.


Two worlds collide with a lightning flash! 
Separate becomes One and Heaven meets Earth, 
Spirit takes form 
in the still waters inside another 
we become, 
we take shape and form, we matter
Bone and blood,
colour and texture, body and consciousness 
co-creating inside Mother
Nourished as one, receiving, listening, learning, and growing
Our nature is in-forming, 
We are information.


From the moment of conception, we are forming and informing. The breath, Spirit in Form, activates and animates the body of senses. Inspiration awakens the ability to sense, to inform, to communicate with the environment and to receive from the forms all around us. 

The information we give and receive is given life by energy in motion, emotion. Whether it is the subtle dilation of pupils that tells another person that we like what we see, or the shrug of a shoulder to signal indifference, all of our actions communicate. The words, gestures, speech, sound and surroundings we choose in every moment inform others about who we are, what we want, and what we intend to do. The human body is the most sophisticated communications device on the planet.

The messages we direct inwards determine what we communicate to the world. We can sometimes be surprised at the way we are received, and feel misunderstood. However, these inner messages are not always at the level of conscious awareness. And yet, this information, positive or negative, can become patterns of belief that inform the way we see and receive the signals that are coming from other people and our environment. Discovering the belief systems that we hold beneath conscious awareness, even the conclusions we made in the earliest stages of our formation, is part of the process of becoming self-aware.

Art, music, poetry, architecture, fashion, war, government, peace: the entire human story is formed in the womb of consciousness. What we create, we parent. What we give form to matters. We are consciousness that is co-creating in every moment.

In Ivo Bisignano’s art we see HUMAN FORM through his discerning eye. His ability to capture the myriad messages and signals in artful expression is an invitation to engage with the process of creation that is taking place within each of us.

Binnie A Dansby 15 June 2020

Upcoming Events

* * THIS SUNDAY * *  Birthing in New Earth Gathering, Sunday 21st March at 10am GMT. Join me for my talk: BEING AN OUTRAGEOUS WOMAN ~ Using the energy of your rage to create miracles. Get your ticket here:

Breath Hub Festival 26-30th May. I will be speaking about The First Breath and its impact on human consciousness and culture. Further information about Breath Hub here:

Inspiration Festival 18th September. More about Benedict Beaumont's Breathing Space projects here:


Fortnightly online gatherings to share and breathe, in which Binnie hosts a topical discussion, followed by a guided ‘deepening’ and a breathing session:

UK every other Monday at 5pm (+1GMT). Contact Sarah Nelson, Next meeting on Monday 29th March. 

ESTONIA every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 7pm (Estonian Time). Contact Lembe Allik,

every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 5pm (Danish Time). Contact Anka Lalatovic,

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Announcing that there will be a new SOURCE Experience Breathwork Practitioner Training beginning in September. It will be a 400 hour fully certified training (Cert. GPBA - Global Professional Breathwork Alliance). This will take place over a 2 year period. Contact for further information.

19 March 2021

Sarah Nelson