“Birth, Breath and Ecstatic Living With Binnie Dansby”

I’ve just uploaded a ‘new’ video to my YouTube channel. I recently rediscovered this interview from 2015. It was a webinar which formed part of Dan’s One Year Seminar Program: . I feel it gives a good introduction to my life and work; how I discovered the breath, my spiritual path and developed SOURCE process.

Dan Brulé is a modern-day teacher, healer, and a world-renown pioneer in the field of Breathwork. He is one of the creators of Breath Therapy, and was among the original group of Internationally Certified Rebirthers. He is a master of Prana Yoga (the Hindu Science of Breath) and Chi Kung/Qigong (Chinese Medical Breathing Exercises), and he leads the worldwide Spiritual Breathing Movement.

Sarah Nelson